Quandoo + MyGuestlist


Quandoo Quandoo and MyGuestlist have partnered together to streamline managing your customer lists and make marketing easier than ever. All customer data from your Quandoo account will seamlessly flow directly into MyGuestlist allowing you to create and distribute engaging promotions via email and sms campaigns to drive more visitors to your venue.

Once set up many of the campaigns can be set to run automatically allowing you to get back to running your restaurant confident in the knowledge that your customer data is working for you to drive new and repeat customers.


Signup for MyGuestlist

Trusted by thousands of venues, we have made marketing quick and easy. Utilising MyGuestlist, any staff member can take control of your marketing with ease.
MyGuestlist improves your marketing to increase your restaurant reservations and event bookings. We streamline the marketing process, as well as improving the overall quality and efficiency of communications to your customers.



  • Database Management
  • Quandoo Integration
  • 3,000 Included Emails
  • Automation
  • Reporting
  • Database Management
  • Quandoo Integration
  • 10,000 Included Emails
  • Automation
  • Reporting
  • Competitions
  • Event Management Tools
  • Vouhers



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