LOKE and MyGuestlist have partnered together to streamline the management of your contact lists and make customer communication easy and seamless. All contact data from your LOKE account will seamlessly flow directly into MyGuestlist allowing you to create and distribute engaging promotions or customer service messages via email and sms campaigns.
Once set up, many of the campaigns can be set to run automatically allowing you to get back to running your business confidently in the knowledge that your customer data is working for you to drive customers back to your business.
Signup for MyGuestlist
Trusted by thousands of businesses, we have made marketing quick and easy. Utilising MyGuestlist, any staff member can take control of your marketing with ease.
MyGuestlist improves your communication and marketing activities by allowing true 1:1 communication events to take place with your database contacts.
Free |
Light |
$0/month |
$60/month |
Sign up | Sign up |
Need more?
Want to have access to advanced marketing, gift vouchers, competitions and more? Complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you to discuss MyGuestlist